Caldwell 548664 Steady Rest NXT Shooting Rest None Gray/Green 26" Long

product code:548664



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Caldwell's impressive Steady Rest NXT shooting rest gives you a steady elevation-adjustable platform for sighting in rifles and pistols and patterning shotguns. The three-piece design allows the shooter to use the rest in one or two-piece configurations, allowing it to adjust to any length long gun as well as handguns. Its front and rear support features a non-marring material that is gentle on your firearm's finish yet is firm enough to provide a stable shooting surface.

Description Shooting Rest
Type of Bag N/A
Prefilled-Empty None
Type of Feet
Cradle Blocks
Vertical Adjustment
Lockable Position
Adaptor Type Gun Rest-Misc.
Attachment Type
Yoke Type
No. of Legs

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